Autocares Vazquez Olmedo, S.L has installed a free local area wireless computer networking technology (Wi-Fi), operating in all buses of its bus route M-135 Málaga – Santa Amalia.

With this system, all travelers provided with wireless data receiver equipment  (smartphones, tablets, etc.) may get free Internet connection.

Wi-Fi Connection is very fast and easy; Once our device has detected Vazquez Olmedo Wi-Fi network, you simply need to confirm and you will already have internet access for free.

A soon as possible, other Autocares Vazquez Olmedo, S.L bus routes will implement this free service available to intercity bus route users.

All Malaga Area Metropolitan Transport Consortium bus routes with vehicles equipped with Wi-Fi will get the logo of Wi-Fi identifying the timetable information in posts and shelters, as well as downloadable pdf on

Further information can be consulted on our new mobile app Consorcio Malaga (available now for Android and iOS), on the Consortium’s web, on its official Facebook , TwitterGoogle+ and YouTube page, or by calling the customer service line on (+34) 902 450 550 / 955 038 665.