Consorcio de Transporte Metropolitano del Área de Málaga | 955 038 665 |


Satisfaction Survey on several Bus routes from June, 25th

June 25th, 2018|

Transport operator Portillo Avanza in collaboration with Malaga Area Metropolitan Transport Consortium, is managing a fieldwork to determine through surveys the provided service perception in its public transport bus routes, as well as the level of satisfaction perceived by its customers. The report will analyze the results of this survey, approached to a statistically representative sample of transport customers on each lines served by this transport operator. It includes two of the most significant Málaga Metropolitan Area bus routes: M-110 [...]

Summer 2018 Special Services to beaches, shops and night spots

June 19th, 2018|

Between June, 22nd and September, 9th, head to the beach, go shopping or enjoy a night on the town on public transport. As in previous years, the Malaga Area Metropolitan Transport Consortium is offering a Special Summer Service. This includes new inter-urban bus routes and increased frequency of existing bus services, enabling passengers to take public transport to beaches, shopping centres and night spots and thus avoid the problems associated with the use of private vehicles (traffic jams, parking, fines, [...]

New updated Consorcio Malaga app for iOS

May 31th, 2018|

From May, 31st, users of Apple mobile devices have an updated Consorcio Malaga app. The new 4.1.10 version has a new interface completely adapted to all Apple devices. Users are allowed to configure it, with a faster access to information; that functionality was already improved for Android users in previous updates. Some small errors detected by our users have been solved for this new version. Download the app for Apple devices by clicking on this link from your mobile phone [...]

San Isibro Labrador Fair will affect some bus routes stopping at Cártama Estación this weekend

May 11th, 2018|

Cártama Estación will live some great days during San Isidro Labrador Fair, which will take place from May,11th to 15th. The fair activities will affect traffic on some roads and streets, and thus on several Malaga Area Metropolitan Transport Consortium bus routes. On Saturday, May, 12th due to San Isidro Labrador procession, will be no traffic on Avenida de Andalucía, at the height of Carmen Juanola and Iglesia streets. This issue will take place at 20:00 pm (approx.) and last [...]

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