Consorcio de Transporte Metropolitano del Área de Málaga | 955 038 665 |

Winter timetables from September, 10th

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    Winter timetables from September, 10th

    Bus routes with increased frequency of existing bus services will end on September, 9th. From September, 10th, the following bus routes will return to their usual timetables:

    On September, 9th, Summer Special Services 2023, which connect inland municipalities with beaches and leisure areas, will also finish.

    Further information can be consulted on our new mobile app Consorcio Malaga (available for Android and iOS and Uptodown), on the Consortium’s web, on its official TelegramFacebook , Twitter and YouTube page, or by calling the customer service line on (+34) 955 038 665.

    2023-09-07T10:36:00+02:00September 7th, 2023|
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