Consorcio de Transporte Metropolitano del Área de Málaga | 955 038 665 |

Corporate Image

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Corporate Image2024-02-23T13:15:34+01:00

The generally authorised versions of the logo are those depicted below.

Logo box

The logo may be displayed within a box, the size and layout of which will be as shown below.


In addition to the logo itself, the trademark may also include the internationally-recognised Bus, Train and Underground symbols. These represent the services provided by the Consortium.

If the symbols are set within a box, its size and layout will be as shown below.


There are two versions of the trademark:

  • Version 1
    Laid out horizontally, this features, from left to right, a square, the logo and the boxed transport symbols.
  • Version 2
    Three boxes laid out vertically containing the transport symbols (top and bottom) and the logo (middle).
Version 1
Version 2

The corporate font used will be Gill Sans in its three varieties, regular, bold and italic.

Colours and watermarks

Two types of watermark may be used as background graphics:

  1. In the first, the transport symbols, in the corporate colours and their respective shades, are lined up and rotated 26º.
  2. In the second, the names of the organisations that make up the Malaga Area Metropolitan Transport Consortium are repeated one after the other on successive lines.

The manner in which these watermarks are to be used is dealt with in the various application sections.

Color corporativo PANTONE 355

Corporate colour: PANTONE 355

Color complementario PANTONE 460

Complementary colour: PANTONE 460

Buses: corporate image
Basic rules of application for buses

The paint colour for buses belonging to the Malaga Area Metropolitan Transport Consortium will be RAL 1000.

In addition to the Andalusian Public Transport logo, the Consortium’s trademark will also be displayed near the front of the vehicle on both sides (alongside the passenger and driver entrances respectively) and in the upper section of the rear windscreen.

The various member companies may display their own trademark in a single colour, RAL 1027, on the front and back of the vehicle.

Advertising spaces of the dimensions outlined in the accompanying table will be reserved on the sides and back of the bus. These spaces must be situated a minimum of one metre from the Consortium’s trademark.

Autobus: lateral izquierdo

Left side

Autobus: lateral derecho

Right side

Autobus: parte trasera

Back side

Autobus: parte delantera

Front side

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